Articles posted by Dr. Allan Hawryluk

thumb sucking

Thumbs Sucking Habits in Toddlers

When children have their pediatric dental exam at our Mississauga Dental office, parents often ask us whether their child’s thumb-sucking habit is healthy. Babies are born with a natural reflex to suck; it’s nature’s way of ensuring food intake. Sucking is also soothing and tends to induce sleep, as evidenced by how young infants drift

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no thanks to tooth drilling

Fixing Cavities without Drilling

St Lawrence Dentistry can now stop small cavities without the use of the dental drill. This exciting process is called Resin Infiltration and Dr. Hawryluk Jr. uses this method for little cavities in between teeth. The product used to accomplish this process is called ICON which stands for infiltration concept. Resin infiltration is where the

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smiling girl

Glass Ionomer: A Revolutionary Dental Material

The type of dental material used and the skill of the dentist makes a significant impact on the predictability of dental treatment. St. Lawrence Dentistry uses several classes of filling materials during its efforts to serve the Mississauga Community. One of these is Glass Ionomers, which offers a unique set of beneficial and synergistic properties.

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stained tooth and a bright white tooth

New Outlooks and Recommendations for Oral Hygiene

Mississauga residents typically want to achieve an exceptional oral health level as they recognize that it is an essential component of overall wellness. In the past, the removal of visible plaque (debris on teeth) on teeth was thought of as the chief step in resolving issues with our gum tissues. Indeed, in some patients, regular

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sedation dentistry

What to expect during your visit for Sedation Dentistry

St. Lawrence Dentistry is uniquely positioned to serve the Mississauga community as we are licensed by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario to provide Dentistry Asleep. Since 2005, Dr. Hawryluk Jr. has worked in conjunction with Board Certified Anesthesiologists to provide General Anesthetic for both adults and children. In another, Preparing for Dentistry

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sedation dentistry

After Care Following Sleep Dentistry

You can have a relaxing sleep during your visit to St. Lawrence Dentistry. For your comfort St. Lawrence Dentistry provides dentistry asleep in conjunction with Board Certified Medical Anesthesiologists. We have been licensed by the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario since 2005 to provide general anesthesia at our office. At the time of

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gum diseases

Gum Disease

Gum Disease (Periodontal disease) is a widespread condition that is often slow-moving and hard to detect outside a professional dental setting. It affects bone encompassing teeth and causes it to degrade. It is a higher cause of tooth loss than even dental decay. In many cases, it is not painful and goes unnoticed until the

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a 3D man holding a first aid kit next to a tooth

The Link between Oral Health and Medical Conditions

St. Lawrence Dentistry recognizes the link between oral and total body health. In the last decade, there has been a concerted effort for the center for disease control to assess the prevalence of periodontal disease (gum disease) in the population. About 67% of North American adults had some form of periodontitis (gum disease). Studies have

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st lawrence dentistry clinic

Update from St. Lawrence Dentistry

Greetings, we are thinking of our patients, miss you all, and hope everyone is in good health. As you are aware, the impact of COVID-19 is far-reaching and has touched everyone in one way or another. With official information changing regularly, St. Lawrence Dentistry is putting in place new regulations. Strict infection control protocols are

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