Articles posted by Dr. Allan Hawryluk

Everything You Need to Know About Fluoride

When you hear someone mention the word “fluoride”, the first thing that probably pops into your head associated with this is toothpaste. Some toothpastes do have fluoride in them, and these are used to help strengthen teeth, but this is not the only thing that has this mineral in it. Fluoride is actually present in

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Cosmetic Dentistry Basics – Dental Implants

One of the procedures dentists find themselves performing more of these days is the dental implant. What exactly is this and why are more and more people opting for this tooth replacement procedure over other tooth replacement solutions? Is a dental implant ideal for you? A dental implant is a device that is used to

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What You Need to Know About TMJ

What exactly is TMJ? Is this an ailment that your dentist can treat? And if so, how would you know if you are suffering from TMJ? TMJ is short for temporomandibular joint, which is the joint found in your jaw. This means that TMJ is not an illness, as some people may think. The illness

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Why Do Some People Have Sensitive Teeth?

When you drink something hot or cold and experience pain or discomfort in your teeth, it is highly probable that you have sensitive teeth. What actually causes sensitive teeth and why is it that not everyone suffers from this? Can sensitive teeth be cured? There are actually a couple of kinds of sensitivity that teeth

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Is a Raw Food Diet Bad for My Teeth?

These days, more and more people are turning to organic foods, vegetarianism and other similar diets to help keep them healthy. One such diet that a number of people have been gravitating towards is the raw food diet. This regimen, as the name implies, consists of all raw foods – all vegetables and fruits, no

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Commonly Asked Questions About Dental Visits

When you visit the dentist, especially if it is your first time, numerous questions tend to pop up. Probably the most commonly asked one is how often a person should visit the dentist. The most common answer to this query is usually “every six months”, however there are dentists who will tell you whether you

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