What is the difference between traditional and cosmetic dentistry? Traditional dentistry focuses on the health of your teeth and gums, with emphasis on oral hygiene, prevention and treatment of oral diseases, and other necessary treatments. Cosmetic dentistry, on the other hand, centers on the improvement of one’s teeth and smile, with treatments and procedures that
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Before we begin to tackle the many different procedures that a cosmetic dentist can perform, let us first understand the difference between a cosmetic dentist and a general dentist. Both are dental professionals that can perform the many dental procedures commonly needed by people for proper oral care, such as teeth cleaning, check-ups and fillings.
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You may not be aware of this but your baby can actually suffer from early childhood cavities. Also called baby bottle tooth decay, these cavities occur due to the lingering presence of sugary substances in your baby’s mouth, such as juice and milk. This often happens when a baby is left to drink from their
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One of the most common procedures that dentists perform is the repair of decayed teeth and the filling of cavities brought about by such decay. When it comes to this particular dental process, you will find that you actually have quite a few choices. These various options bring with them a few pros and cons,
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One of the things that parents wait in anticipation for is the appearance of their baby’s first tooth. This usually starts to pop up at 6 months, and the lower teeth are often the first to come in. By the time your child is around 3 years of age, all 20 baby teeth should be
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Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that people get, and this usually comes out in your late teens or your early twenties. If these teeth come out properly, and are healthy as well as correctly aligned, then there is probably no need for you to have these removed. If these are also easy
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What exactly is oral surgery and when does a person need to have this done? Oral and maxillofacial surgery, as it is sometimes called, is an area of medicine that focuses on fixing problems associated with a person’s mouth, teeth and jaw. There are quite a few procedures that can be considered oral surgery, and
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Chipping or cracking a tooth is something that can happen due to many different reasons. This usually happens when you bite into something hard, or when you get hit in the face and your tooth suddenly cracks or chips. Cracks can also happen when the tooth is weakened by decay. This can be a very
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Did you know that poor dental health actually affects more than just your mouth? Recent findings show that there is actually a link between oral health and your general health, and that not taking good care of your teeth and gums can actually lead to serious health problems. Some of the problems that are linked
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When a person says that they have a toothache, the most common thought people have is that this is because of tooth decay. What most people may not realize is that toothaches can actually happen for many different reasons. These various causes also bring about different levels of pain, with some more excruciating than others.
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Getting a dental crown is something that people do for many reasons. Some get a crown for cosmetic motivations, and others get it because they need it to support a weak tooth. Still a few more people have a crown put in to restore an already damaged or broken tooth, and a few more do
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Do you find people looking away, or leaning back when you talk? You may not know it, but you may be suffering from bad breath. Also known as halitosis, this condition can strike anyone and for many different reasons. There are two general types of halitosis, chronic and incidental. Chronic bad breath can be caused
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