With all the sugar in foods and a busy schedule, Pre-teens often create wear and tear on their dentition, causing apprehension for their caring parent(s). Mississauga children have much to contend with from their rigorous sports schedules and all their homework from our local schools. Hence, in their minds, care of their teeth can be
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What is pH? The acronym pH stands for potential hydrogen. It describes a substance’s chemical acidity level vs. alkalinity level. The pH level of “14” is the highest alkalinity, and the pH level of “0” is the most elevated acidity. In the middle of the spectrum is pH “7”, the pH level for purified water.
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The ecology of the mouth is fascinating and has specialized cells and organs critical to help maintain your well-being. Your mouth can be considered a gateway to the rest of you and the first line of protection for your immune system. Several mouth structures play a crucial function in your oral and physical health. Dr.
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Dr. Allan Hawryluk Sr. was a kind and gentle man and a great father. As the founder of St Lawrence Dentistry, he was a skilled dentist, enjoyed his career, and loved seeing everyone at the clinic. We all miss him and are grateful for the time we had, and we appreciate the outpouring of support
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Electric Brushes offer us a convenient and effective tool to help keep your teeth healthy. Here we investigate some of the most frequently asked questions we get at St Lawrence Dentistry about electric toothbrushes. Are Electric Brushes Effective? In 2014, a Cochrane investigation showed that electric toothbrushes eliminate more plaque and decrease gum inflammation (compared
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An electric toothbrush is a brush that delivers fast, automated bristle movements, either back-and-forth oscillation or rotation-oscillation (where the brush head reciprocates clockwise and counterclockwise turns), to brush your dentition. An engine makes the movements at sonic speeds or below. In the case of ultrasonic brushes, the generation of ultrasonic movements is by a piezoelectric
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The goals of tooth brushing are to help keep teeth clean, eliminate plaque, and reduce the possibility of tooth decay and gingivitis. An electric toothbrush is a tool that makes brushing more manageable and effective. Dr. Hawryluk finds it’s developmental history fascinating. Since the first conception of the toothbrush, designed originally for people suffering from
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Primary Teeth (baby teeth) are more prone to dental decay than permanent teeth and have large pulp chambers (the area inside the tooth contains nerves and vascular tissue). Because of this, cavities in primary teeth can reach the inner pulp tissue quite rapidly and necessitate the need for pulp therapy to save the tooth. Dr.
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A microbiome is the ecosystem of microorganisms in your body that can affect your well-being. Your gut microbiome, for example, not only helps in digestion, but researchers believe it could help unlock some of the mysteries of obesity. Likewise, research on the skin microbiome has the potential to help us understand how we can combat
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One of the best smart toothbrushes on the market is the Oral-B iO Series 9. It comes with an app that offers consistently accurate and valuable feedback. The brush itself — is a sleek metal unit with a colorful LCD. It offers seven different modes, the most out of any toothbrush, and the full suite
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Stimulants, also called psychostimulants, are psychoactive drugs that induce temporary improvements in mental or physical functions. Stimulants have broad use as pharmaceutical and performance-enhancing or recreational/illicit drugs. Stimulant examples are methamphetamine, methylenedioxymethamphetamine (Ecstasy), levoamphetamine/dextroamphetamine (Adderall®), and methylphenidate (Ritalin®). They have been used to help depression, attention deficit disorder, and narcolepsy and to encourage weight loss.
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Many people in Mississauga are highly informed about their dental health, and St. Lawrence Dentistry would like to be another resource for you. However, just like any subject, there are myths. It’s important to dispel some of these untruths as they can unnecessarily create confusion about dentistry and what people should do to maintain their
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