Treatment of Tooth Sensitivity

Do you have sensitive teeth or know someone who does? St. Lawrence Dentistry offers very effective treatments for this common issue.

Some people’s teeth are sensitive because they have larger than average nerves in their teeth. At the center of the tooth is the pulp tissue, which is mostly nerve tissue. In general, the more prominent the pulp space, the less thick the side walls are to protect the pulp, and the more sensitive your teeth can be.

In children and young adults, tooth sensitivity can be an issue because they tend to have larger ‘pulp spaces’ and also larger dentin tubules. The tooth pulp is composed mainly of nerve tissue, and tubules are the pores of the tooth leading toward the pulp. Consequently, young people can have seemly perfect-looking teeth, yet they are sensitive.

The leading cause of tooth sensitivity in people over 30 is gum recession, which is gradual exposure of the root of the tooth caused by loss of the gum (gingival tissue). Some gum recession is related to genetics and how the tooth erupted in the dental arch when you were a child. There is also a correlation between orthodontic treatment and tooth recession. One factor that patients can control to help stop gum recession is to make sure they are brushing gently and with a soft toothbrush. Hard brushing can also wear away your enamel, which can further exacerbate tooth sensitivity. Habits such as prolonged use of hard mouth mints can also contribute to gum recession. Also, chewing tobacco can cause the gum to degenerate and recede.

If you have receding gums, you should pay close attention to which type of toothpaste you are using. Although while whitening and tartar control toothpaste is great for many patients, they have abrasive components and phosphates, which can make your teeth sensitive. If your gums have receded and you have sensitive teeth, it is best to use a toothpaste that is gentle on teeth and contain substances that can block the dentinal tubules to reduce sensitivity.

St Lawrence Dentistry offers several different in-office treatments for tooth sensitivity. One remedy is GUM Protect Desensitizing Solution, which provides an immediate onset of action, instantly blocking the dentin tubules inside and out. The benefit of this product is it easily treats hypersensitive exposed root surfaces. It does so by the fact that its conditioner component removes the smear layer of the tooth to reveal the tubule openings allowing liquid to penetrate. This liquid binds calcium and protein molecules in the tubules to provide long-lasting and robust tubule plugs.

G-Coat Plus Dental Surface Sealant from GC America, is also an excellent treatment for minimal sensitivity. Sometimes Dr. Hawryluk Jr. will use this product and the GUM product described above in a combination procedure. When used in concert, the therapy can amplify effectiveness.

Another effective treatment involves using MI paste. This product is the only product for professional use containing RECALDENT™, a unique milk-derived protein that releases calcium and phosphate to the surface of the teeth. St. Lawrence Dentistry will often make custom mouth trays for the patient to wear at home for 10 minutes a day with the MI paste. These trays allow maximum contact of the MI paste with your teeth.

If the sensitive area of the tooth has eroded inwards, Dr.Hawryluk can sometimes bond a layer of composite resin on your tooth, which provides a very effective insulation of the tooth nerve.

To see examples of dental bonding, please visit us here:

Treatment Of Dental Erosion

If you have areas of dental recession, sometimes the sensitive area can be covered up with gum tissue by using the Pinhole Grafting technique. The results are typically amazing as both sensitivities are alleviated while restoring your gum architecture.

To learn more about this procedure, please visit here:

Pinhole Grafting

St. Lawrence Dentistry has ample experience treating sensitive teeth. If you live in the Mississauga area, we invite you to call our office to learn more about tooth sensitivity and which of the above treatments (and others) could benefit you.